Pre-Programmed 32KB EEPROM

This chip is required to drive the External
7-Segment modules, the External Bar Graph module, and the
Panel Meters. Use this chip in place of the standard 16 KB
EEProm that is supplied with the base Controller Board. |
1.5 inch high 7-Segment
External Hi-Visibility Module (1)

The external 7-segment
display (7-segment module 5)
is configured using the Standard 7-Segment Menu. |
40 Segment External
Hi-Visibility Bar Graph Module (1)

The External Bar Graph
is configured using the Standard Bar Graph Menu.
IDC Cable Assemblies (2)

Connects the above External Display Modules to
the MB-1 Rear Panel IDC connectors.
7-Segment Green LEDs (16)
(Kit version only)

Use these LEDs in place of
Blue LEDs.
Included in Kit version only. Pre-assembled
units are shipped with blue 7-segment LEDs
The 7-Segment LEDs are mounted in 40 pin sockets for easy
RCA Blanks (2)

Plug these into the rear
panel +5V Auxiliary power
jacks to prevent unintentional connections to these
Trim Pot Adjustment Tool
